Integrate OneDrive and Envoice to automate your bookkeeping

By integrating Envoice with your OneDrive account, you can easily access and organize your invoices in one convenient location.

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Why connect Envoice to your OneDrive account

Automate bookkeeping

Improve your invoice management process without leaving OneDrive using the integration between Envoice and Dropbox. Create a OneDrive folder for Envoice to retrieve invoices for processing.

Review and manage

Create a OneDrive folder for Envoice to retrieve invoices for processing. Review which invoices are processed by Envoice and which ones need your attention, all it without leaving OneDrive.

Share and automate

To quickly and easily process invoices without leaving OneDrive, share a folder with your suppliers. They'll be able to access and upload invoices directly to your OneDrive folder.

Convenient invoice processing

The integration between Envoice and OneDrive allows businesses to use Envoice without leaving the OneDrive platform. By creating a OneDrive folder for Envoice, Envoice can easily pick up and process invoices. This integration allows businesses to automate their accounting processes and use OneDrive conveniently with Envoice.

Optimize your invoice processing without leaving OneDrive. Envoice and OneDrive integration allows businesses to create a OneDrive folder where Envoice can retrieve invoices for processing.

See directly from OneDrive which invoices have already been processed or which invoices were incorrect and need attention, all without leaving OneDrive. Envoice will create two folders in your OneDrive environment, a "Processed" folder for processed invoices and an "Unsupported files" folder for unsupported invoices.

Share your OneDrive folder with suppliers to get invoices processed faster and easier, without leaving the OneDrive environment.

Bookkeepers using Envoice data entry/extraction saves more than 8 hours per week.

How to get started

1Log in to your to your Envoice account and activate integration with OneDrive

2Authorize Envoice to access your OneDrive account

3You are successfully connected!

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Still not sure?

  • Don’t spend time on manual work
  • Streamline bookkeeping processes with AI
  • Automate invoice processing
  • Integrate with the tools you rely on every day
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