Thanks to Envoice, Hausers has no longer problems with bills & expenses

“The most important goal for us was to speed up the process of managing invoices while also keeping it transparent. Another important factor for us was the exchange of data with our accounting software, a feature nicely available with Envoice.”

Marianne Reinsoo Accountant, Hausers Group



a man thinking at his desk about how to automate accounts payable

Hausers was founded in 2004. The company employs 30 top specialists whose common goal is to offer their clients a service that is fast, flexible, and client-oriented while also being environmentally conscious and sustainable. During its 15 years of operation, the company has had numerous projects, the archiving of which resulted in piles of paperwork for the accountant.

Storing boxes of paper documents in a filing cabinet was a huge waste of space. The processing of documents used to be time-consuming because invoices and acts had to be printed, signed, registered, and approved by the CEO. Project managers used to send invoices by e-mail or leave the signed invoices in the “accountant’s drawer”, where they would stay for weeks”, recalls Reinsoo.

The accountant used to collect invoices once a week while making the necessary printouts and registering them. After that, invoices were taken to the CEO’s desk for approval and signing. Everything was done on paper and took a lot of time. It could occur that invoices were not paid on time and this resulted in paying pending invoices twice or incorrectly. The situation of ca. 450 monthly invoices being managed by the accounting department was no longer sustainable.

Why we chose Envoice

With Envoice, the invoices reach the system faster and the management can see the invoices that have to be confirmed in the bank while also getting an instant overview of which costs belong to which project.

“The most important goal for us was to speed up the process of managing invoices while also keeping it transparent. Another important factor for us was the exchange of data with our accounting software, a feature nicely available with Envoice”,


Hausers has been using Envoice for two years. During this time, many of the company’s internal work processes have also become more efficient. Using Envoice has considerably lowered the expenses on paper and printing, not to mention the time spent on printing invoices and acts. All the files can now be directly added to Envoice, which is considerably less time consuming than operating with paper invoices.

In Hausers, we use the module of Purchase Invoices the most, which enables us to see all the invoices sent to the company, instantly access pending purchase invoices, and see the invoices that have yet to be linked to owners. If necessary, additional approval rounds can be added, compliant to the in-house rules of confirming invoices. In two years, many improvements have been introduced by Envoice, and Hausers has also been using the system more often on a daily basis. At the moment, for example, we’re trying to adopt the process where project managers can insert invoices with correct expense factors by themselves directly from our budget system to Envoice.

Why choose Envoice for helping out with accounting?

Envoice helps to free accountants from manual data entry, speeds up invoice and document management, and increases the sharing of invoices paid in time. Envoice is a solution that enables document management by a single software system, helping to simplify receiving invoices and receipts from different channels. The process is paperless and all documents can be effortlessly managed from one place, including processing receipts, expenses, and travel reports. All sent and received invoices and expense reports can be easily accessed from the cloud archive at any time.

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